Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holiday Gift Guide for Mom – The Organizer

What busy mom hasn’t wished for a way to keep appointments straight and to be more organized? With WeekDate, she can be organized in an efficient yet fun way.

WeekDate works in layers, so you can see months, weeks, and specific details all at once. And what’s really great is that you only have to write repeating events (like weekly status reports or monthly book club) one time.

Available as both a weekly planner:


And as a wall calendar:


Your favorite mom is sure to love one, the other, or both!

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Anonymous said...

Hey... way cool. I've had one for that past two year. Can't live without it.

My kids are getting older now (6 & 8), so this year I'm also buying the wall version to hang low on my refrigerator so the kids see our schedule too!

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