Sunday, November 16, 2008

What's up Motrin?

Ok, I am not one for controversy at all. I generally stay away. Last night while online late at night, I starting reading tweets about Motrin and their Mom-alogue. One of the tweets I read said something about baby-wearing, so I didn't think too much of it. I have nothing at all against baby-wearing - I just didn't do it.

I get online today and I see that there is more "fuss" about this thing with Motrin. I decide to finally check it out. I now see what this is all about. It seems as if the writer of that knows nothing about baby-wearing. I was surprised that a company would even release something like that.

So, I jumped on the bandwagon and am posting my protest as a mom.

Go over to Katja's site and check out her video on this. She also has a great collection of mom's that also protest this ad. Check it out!!

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Jess NBP said...

Dang!! I wasn't one for wearing my babes when they were younger we just never went places that required it but I like you, I am NOT against. More power to those that do it.

Staci A said...

I saw they now pulled the ad. Sometimes companies just have those "duh" moments I think.

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

They caused quite a uproar.

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