Thursday, September 20, 2007

That moment

I think that I have hit "that" moment today. You know, the one where you look at your life and decide that it's time to make some changes and really stick to it this time (yeah right).

I got on the scale. I am up 5 lbs from last week. WTF???? Now, I know that I am not the greatest eater - terrible in fact. Work is the hardest. We have food ALL the time on the table right by me. If I just keep walking by and never touch anything, I am ok. If I start once, forget about it.

I am making a new vow today to JUST STAY away from the "treat" table as we so fondly like to call it.

I am also going to use my Weight Watchers online membership. Maybe. I like the points system. I know it works for me. I just have to decide if I am going to keep track of points manually or do it online on their sight.

I am going to start weighing myself every day. I am normally not a fan of that, but maybe if I keep getting slapped in the face w/ that each day, I will help to stay motivated.

I took a look at myself in the mirror here at work and I did NOT like what I saw. Granted, the lighting is not the most flattering, but still....Gross....

Anyway, have you ever had a moment like this?? I would love to hear about others and their struggles.

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