Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tackle it Tuesday #2

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Honestly, I think my goal is just to make it through the day. My baby girl had her one year shots last night and we had a rough night. Let's just say that I will be drinking lots and lots of coffee today.

I think my small goal will be to fold that basket of laundry that's sitting outside my bedroom door.

Nothing too exciting today...

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Anonymous said...

Some days just trying to get by can be a difficult task. Enjoy your coffee and have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that folding a basket of laundry can be such a huge task? It is for me too. I have two waiting for me. But at least the clothes are clean, so my family can just keep their complaints about the wrinkles to themselves! :)

My Tackle It Tuesday is up ... come see!

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