Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mid-Week check in

Well, it's Wednesday night. Let's see how I am doing so far this week on my goals:

My SMART goal of getting up at 5 and of writing everything down. Hmmmmmmm....This morning I think I rolled out of bed around 5:45. Not really 5, is it?

I am also just now starting to write everything down. I have been on a quest for the "perfect" journal. I could start a collection of journals to be honest. I have a Mom Agenda on the way and am using a notebook.

Menu Plan Monday
- Um, yeah, it's Wednesday and so far we haven't followed the menu at all. Oh well.

Tackle it Tuesday - Finally, something I can be proud of! I did do all of the thank yous from Taylor's birthday party. I just need to get the addresses for 3 of them. The rest got dropped off in the mail today.

It's been a rough week at work too. I don't know why, but for some reason these short weeks are harder than a normal one. I just have so much going on and I don't know where to start. Whenever I have a plan, I end up deviating from it to fight yet another fire.

To top things off, I think I am getting a cold. I am just plain achy tonight.

Here's a fun pic to make you smile. It's Taylor at her 1st b-day party last week eating the special cake that Grandma Pink made for her.

Well, that's it for my mid-week check in. Hope everyone out there is having a great week!

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