Thursday, December 11, 2008

Affordable Laptop Option for Busy Moms

HP Mini HP has recently launched their newest laptop that’s powered by Intel’s Atom chip. The HP Mini 1000 XP Edition Series is a small, lightweight (only 2.25 lbs!!!) laptop for the busiest of moms to use on the go. Not only is the laptop light as a feather, it has an integrated webcam and built in microphone.

If you know a mom that can’t travel without her work and, let’s face it, Twitter, Facebook, and her blog, this could be the perfect gift for her and at an affordable price.

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Unknown said...

Are those mini ones fully-functioning, or are they just for internet? I wasn't sure, so I ultimately decided I wanted a bigger screen. Dude, I'm getting a (pink!) Dell! It'll be here Tuesday!

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