Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In honor of Veteran's Day

I decided to take a break at work to read a little news. I clicked on this story.


I should have known better. I won't lie, it made me cry right here at my desk.

Tonight when I pick up my girls and take them home, I am going give them extra hugs and kisses. I am going to be patient with my 2 year old when she stands in the kitchen and says "I want…." but can't make up her mind. I play with them instead of thinking I need to clean/do laundry, etc and enjoy the time with them.

Most of all, I will be thankful to God for them and for those that lost their lives defending our country.

(This was written earlier today while I was at work...Just got around to posting it now.)

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Princess Hairstyles said...

How sad. I really need to appreciate my kids more, this has inspired me to do that.

Mrs. L said...

It's crazy what other people have given up. I love the picture of Obama. Great Blog!

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

I don't think people really realize the risks our military folks take and the reasons they do it. We should thank everyone who every served and especially those who lost their lives.

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