Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday Tip of the Day

Today's tip is to plan out your meals for the week ahead before heading to the grocery store. It will save you time in the store and prevent you from buying a bunch of stuff that you don't really need.

Do you have a tip you would like to share? It can be about anything. If so, contact me.

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Anonymous said...

I always think this is a good idea but I am too spontaneous and not disciplined enough to stick to my menu. Need to learn to, though!

Minxy Mimi said...

Great idea... I suck at lists and planning tho...

Momstart said...

I clip my coupons at the same time

Perky said...

I actually have a list of items that are out of stock in my kitchen which I stick to my fridge. It's updated as when certain items are finished. So by the end of the week I would have my shopping list ready.

That way I save the time & trouble having to think of what I need to buy.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Great tip--and so true. I started doing this myself and it really is helpful to take a list to the grocery store of the menus I plan to make for the week.

Fun blog! As a Diet Coke addict myself, I love the name of it. :-)

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