Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I am Looking Forward to on Vacation Next Week

1. Not getting up to an alarm clock all week.

2. Spending time with my family

3. Going to the Coach outlet store.

4. Nights hanging out by the campfire.

5. Watching the girls swim. The love it so much!!!

6. Watching the girls play with their grandparents.

7. Watching the girls run around and play with their cousins.

8. Not having to worry about getting the house clean, make plans, etc, because we have a showing (we are trying to sell our house).

9. Not having to deal with the construction that is going on on our street.

10. Having my husband do all the cooking (YAY!!).

11. Not dealing with work.

12. Not dealing with work.

13. Not dealing with work. (Yes, I am that happy to get away. It's been a rough couple of months.)

For more Thursday Thirteen participants, click here.

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Always Been Different said...

Hope you have a GREAT vacation!

Happy TT!

Cindy Swanson said...

There is NOTHING like vacation! I hope yours is wonderful.

Stop by my TT when you get a moment. :)

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