Saturday, September 15, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday #3

My new SMART goal for this week is to keep up w/ the laundry. I am not doing so hot with that lately. My goal is to do one load a day - that is to wash AND put away.
For more SMART participants, go to here.

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Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's struggling with keeping to my plan! Good luck and have a great week!

Unknown said...

You have a great week too! Thanks for the comment!!

Lara said...

One load a day is definitely managable isn't it? I like doing one a day so I can hang it to dry instead of using the dryer. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the comment over at my place. I am trying to get ahead of my laundry as well (isn't everyone)? I find I can get a load through the wash, through the dryer and actually folded. That's where the productivity stops. I cannot tell you how many baskets of clean, folded clothes I have sitting in my basement.

After I read this post I decided I was going to focus on PUTTING AWAY one load of laundry each day. I was so inspired yesterday I put away four baskets of laundry and put one basket away today already.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Oop, I left my other blog's address. You were at this new site.

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