Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day of Preschool

I am WAY late in posting this, but last week, my oldest started 3 year old preschool. She just went for one hour but starting this week, she will be going twice a week for 2.5 hours at a time.

Here are some pics from the first day:

She loved the short time she went. She is super excited to go for the full time today. Anyway, just wanted to share my first day of school pics (even though they are late).

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Unknown said...

The smile is priceless, the little girl I babysit goes to preschool twice a week also.

Tena said...

that is one happy little girl! Beautiful!!! Have fun learning!!

Anonymous said...

I remember our son's first preschool days. He really enjoyed it and it was so good for him. Blessings !

Anonymous said...

She's SO CUTE! I love the big look-how-grownup-I-am SMILE she's sporting. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love her smile!

Anonymous said...

She looks so incredibly happy!

Leah said...

aww how cute! My son just started his 4 year preschool...well today was the orientation...the first day is on Monday.

neferiti said...

She looks really excited about school! I remember my son's first day of school...he wasn't as excited. He thought I was leaving him and not returning. However, once he realized that I was coming back for him. And he could play with all the neat stuff in the classroom than I couldn't get him to come home!!! LOL

Meg said...

Aww. Thats awesome that she loved it.

Bridgette said...

Aww...how precious!

Natalie said...

Oh how cute! My oldest (also 3) just started preschool a couple weeks ago and loves it too. :) I love the semi-break I get. LOL!

Lux said...

She's just adorable - that's great that she *wanted to go! :)

Metz said...

aww i have to agree with sassy mama bear such a priceless smile. She is truly a blessing.

M.Gunn said...

Great pictures! She is so adorable...my little guy starts preschool Oct. 1st and goes 3 days for 3 hrs.!? Stay tuned for my post, lol.

Momstart said...

She does have a great smile. I think I'm going to cry when my little girl goes off to preschool,

Maria's Space said...

She looks like she had a blast. Mine started school too. I have to get her post up.

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